Current Travel Conditions - Tioga Pass and Sonora Pass are Closed for the Winter - Click for More Info and Phone Numbers for Conditions
Yosemite Valley View
Kim Carroll-Evergreen Lodge

Directions to Yosemite

There are four main entrances to the park:

Tuolumne County's entrance on the northwest boundary of the park, on the most direct route from the San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento, is the Big Oak Flat Entrance on Highway 120 from Modesto and Manteca.

To the Tuolumne Grove of Giant Sequoias and Tuolumne Meadows: Highway 120 (the Tioga Road) continues east from Crane Flat to to the Tuolumne Grove of Giant Sequoias parking lot (open year-round, although chains may be required). Continue east along the Tioga Road to Tuolumne Meadows and Highway 395 (this portion of Hwy 120/Tioga Road is closed in winter).

To Yosemite Valley: Take Highway 120 to Crane Flat and continue on the Big Oak Flat Rd. (the continuation of Hwy 120 past Crane Flat) into Yosemite Valley (open year-round, although chains may be periodically required October-April).

To Hetch Hetchy Reservoir: The Hetch Hetchy Park Entrance is on Evergreen Rd. and is open daily during day light hours. Evergreen Rd. is located just west of the Big Oak Flat Rd. Park Entrance.

Click here for current Travel Alerts from Yosemite National Park.

The east entrance on Tioga Pass from Highway 395 is only open in the summer from about mid June through the fall when the snow fall begins sometime in November. Always check road conditions by calling CalTrans at (800) 427-7623 and Yosemite National Park at (209) 372-0200.

The south entrance can be approached along Highway 41 North from Fresno. The Wawona Road continues into Yosemite Valley.
(Open all year, although chains may be required anytime from October through April)

The Arch Rock Entrance can be approached along Highway 140 West from Merced. The El Portal Road continues into Yosemite Valley.
(Open all year, although chains may be required anytime from October through April)

Check the road conditions in Yosemite, especially when traveling to the park October through April. Call (209) 372-0200; choose option 1, then 1 again.

Visit Tuolumne County
193 S Washington St
Sonora, CA 95370

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