Current Travel Conditions - Tioga Pass and Sonora Pass are Closed for the Winter - Click for More Info and Phone Numbers for Conditions
Downtown Sonora
Menka Belgal

Do Business in Tuolumne County

Tuolumne County is a great place to start your business or expand one that is already established. Affordability, friendly and community-oriented residents, and an abundance of visitors throughout the year provide an excellent foundation for your venture. 

If you have a local business, no matter the type, then tourism is your business! Tourism is the number one private-sector industry in Tuolumne County.

In 2023, total travel spending in Tuolumne County was $287.6 million!

Lodging:  $93.3 million
Food Service:  $76.1 million
Retail & Food Stores:  $47.5 million
Local Transportation & Gas:  $25.5 million
Arts, Entertainment & Recreation:  $34.9 million



For location-specific data, contact Visit Tuolumne County at 209-533-4420.

Click to download

Visit Tuolumne County
193 S Washington St
Sonora, CA 95370

Disclaimer: The products and services listed on this website are provided for informational purposes only in partnership with those businesses providing the products and services. We do not validate or regulate the businesses listed.
Website Developed by Drozian Webworks