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Visit Tuolumne County to Host First Agritourism Summit

Visit Tuolumne County is pleased to host their first Agritourism Summit at Hurst Ranch on Thursday, February 20 from 8:30 AM- 3:00 PM. Sierra Pacific Foundation is a contributing sponsor of the Agritourism Summit. The public is invited to come and learn about the opportunities of leveraging Tuolumne County's Agricultural Resources. Agenda topics will include: Understanding the visitor experience with guest speaker Melyssa Laughlin from Visit Vacaville, insurance liability issues and answers presented by Justin Myers from Caldwell Insurance, assessing agritourism potential of your land/farm with guest speaker Penny Leff from U.C. Davis, navigating regulations and permitting presented by Quincy Yaley from Tuolumne County's Community Development Department, testimonial from Leslie Hurst a local Agritourism Operator, and a locally grown farm to fork luncheon. The cost for the Agritourism Summit is $20.00 per person.

Over the years the idea of agritourism has increased and become a niche interest of travelers to and in the United States. Agritourism gives visitors the chance to experience farms first-hand, support the farms directly, and promote sustainable agriculture economic growth. Lisa Mayo, CEO and President comments, “We've had local leaders express the desire to grow our agritourism offerings. This is a great way to connect people with the resources they need to move forward.”

To understand the local agriculture industry and its potential impacts on tourism, Visit Tuolumne County is looking to develop an agritourism strategy that supports the tourism and agricultural industry. Anyone interested in hearing more about this exciting new opportunity for tourism in Tuolumne County is invited to attend the Agritourism Summit, RSVP online at,, or call (209)533-4420.

Visit Tuolumne County
193 S Washington St
Sonora, CA 95370

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