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Visit Tuolumne County Launches Tuolumne County Healthy Pledge

SONORA, CALIF. - Visit Tuolumne County (VTC) introduces the “Tuolumne County Healthy Pledge” program, Tuolumne County’s local business commitment to creating and providing a clean, safe, and healthy environment for residents and visitors as businesses and organizations begin to reopen following COVID-19 restrictions.

The Tuolumne County Healthy Pledge is a voluntary program and awareness campaign for Tuolumne County businesses to showcase their commitment to clean and healthy standards for their guests and employees to prevent the spread of COVID-19. As a priority recovery initiative, this free awareness program is being led by the Visit Tuolumne County team.

Research studies on traveler sentiment continue to show that visitors will go where they have confidence that the businesses within the destination are abiding by all new health and safety protocols. The Tuolumne County Healthy Pledge program will help build confidence among residents and visitors. With that, VTC is asking local businesses to voluntarily pledge to commit to the health and safety of all guests, customers, and staff. This in turn will assist businesses with economic recovery.

By taking the pledge businesses that are members of Visit Tuolumne County have a Tuolumne County Healthy Pledge icon displayed on their business listing at An additional webpage dedicated to Tuolumne County Healthy Pledge lists all participating businesses (all Tuolumne County businesses are welcome). Each business will also be able to list the basic protocols they are following. Businesses also gain access to additional marketing tools to help spread the word about their pledge and commitment to public health. Businesses are responsible for ensuring that they are abiding by all governmental and public health orders and directives.

The principles of taking this pledge are simple. Businesses pledge to:

To sign-up, businesses fill out the simple form found at By submitting the form, businesses acknowledge that they understand that this pledge does not provide permission to operate beyond any government mandates. It is a commitment by them that as they welcome back guests and customers they are following public health directives.

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Visit Tuolumne County
193 S Washington St
Sonora, CA 95370

Disclaimer: The products and services listed on this website are provided for informational purposes only in partnership with those businesses providing the products and services. We do not validate or regulate the businesses listed.
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