Current Travel Conditions - Tioga Pass and Sonora Pass are Closed for the Winter - Click for More Info
Carlon Falls
Local Freshies® / High Sierra Visitors Council

Submit Press Visit Request

Proposed Arrival Date

Proposed Departure Date

Name as it appears on photo ID *

E-mail Address *

Mailing Address

Mailing City

Mailing State

Mailing Zip Code

Work Phone Number *

Phone while visiting Tuolumne County

Emergency Contact Name

Emergency Contact Phone

Do you have allergies, medical conditions, or dietary restrictions that we need to take into consideration? Detail below.

Date of last visit to Tuolumne County

Please tell us what areas you visited:

From which city will you be traveling to our area?

Where will you go upon your departure?

Publication/Station Name (if you are a freelance writer, please provide possible outlets for your story)

Circulation/Audience size

Expected run date

Story angle/focus

Will you be on assignment during your visit?

If you are a blogger, URL?

How many blogs do you expect to write about this trip?

What keyword searches do people use to find your blog?

If you use Twitter, will you do so during your visit?

Please provide your social media information

Are accommodations needed?

Will you consider a media rate?


If yes, is there a place for your host property to be mentioned in the article?

Room Type

  Historic Hotels
  Bed & Breakfast establishments
  Full service hotels
  RV spaces
  Vintage Motels
  Modern branded hotels/motels

Are additional media representatives traveling with you? If so, please provide names and affiliation

Are additional non media guests traveling with you? If so, please provide affiliation and if children, their age(s)

  Pinecrest Lake and Higher elevations / Highway 108
  Historic downtown Sonora, restaurants, tasting rooms
  Railtown 1897 State Historic Park
  Columbia State Historic Park
  Yosemite National Park
  Groveland / Highway 120
  Winter sports, when applicable
  Art, Culture, Museums
  Culinary interests
  Corporate retreats
  Nature and Hiking

Do you plan to take your own photos on the trip, or would you like Tuolumne County Visitors Bureau to provide photos with credit line?

Are there any other details we should take into consideration for your visit?

Please provide a short bio about yourself that we can provide to the venues you will visit

  * Please Enter All Required Fields
Visit Tuolumne County
193 S Washington St
Sonora, CA 95370

Disclaimer: The products and services listed on this website are provided for informational purposes only in partnership with those businesses providing the products and services. We do not validate or regulate the businesses listed.
Website Developed by Drozian Webworks