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Iron Door Saloon in Groveland
Menka Belgal
Menka Belgal

Visiting Groveland, California

On your way to or from Yosemite on Highway 120, you’ll arrive in Groveland, one of the County’s Gold Rush towns. Try to stay out of trouble though; this town was once named “Garrotte” for the area’s swift and harsh justice from a large oak tree. Once, Groveland offered miners exceptional gold discoveries, but in 1914 the focus switched to water, and the town was chosen to be the construction headquarters for the Hetch Hetchy Water Project—the water supply for San Francisco.

Today Groveland is a must-stop town where visitors find respite in historic hotels, B&B’s and vacation rentals. Beautiful Pine Mountain Lake offers golfing, dining, horseback riding, camping, water sports and an airport.

The Top 7 Things To Do In Groveland

Groveland and the surrounding area, including Yosemite National Park, is a beautiful, historic region that played key roles in the California Gold Rush and in the history of Yosemite and even the city of San Francisco, 145 miles away. Here are seven things that must be seen for any getaway to Groveland to count.

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Visit Tuolumne County
193 S Washington St
Sonora, CA 95370

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